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There are several ways of stopping a vehicle such as using the normal brakes, the engine brake or for diesel-powered vehicles; drivers can also use an exhaust brake. Exhaust brakes can be very efficient in the long run and it can considerably slow down a vehicle, regardless of its size or weight. Let’s take a closer look at exhaust brakes and how exactly they work.

1. Exhaust brakes create backpressure in the cylinders.

This braking system actually closes down the exhaust path and it stops the gases from being eliminated on the exhaust pipe. As a result, backpressure is built in the manifold and in the cylinders, making the engine work backwards and subsequently slowing down the vehicle.

2. Drivers can rely only on exhaust brakes for stopping their car.

Especially if the vehicle doesn’t have a very high speed, drivers can use only the exhaust brakes for slowing down and stopping their cars, reducing the wear and tear on the regular brakes.

3. Exhaust brakes prevent normal brakes from overheating.

One of the biggest advantages of exhaust brakes is the simple fact that they can take some stress off the regular brakes and prevent them from overheating, especially when going downhill.

4. Exhaust brakes can prevent a vehicle from going downhill too fast.

In a similar fashion, if a driver transports a fifth wheeler, a caravan or a loaded trailer and he needs to go downhill, the exhaust brake can prevent the vehicle from going too fast and it reduces the likelihood of an accident.

5. Exhaust brakes are completely silent.

The engine brake can also be used to slow down and stop a vehicle, yet it has a big disadvantage: it is quite loud when applied. On the other hand, exhaust brakes are completely silent and more convenient to use on a regular basis.

6. Exhaust brakes can prolong the lifespan of normal brakes.

If a driver uses the exhaust brake frequently in order to slow down his vehicle, the normal brakes will be spared and they can actually last three times longer. Basically, the exhaust brakes can help drivers maintain their cars in a great condition and they can also save some money in the long run as well.

7. Exhaust brakes can be installed on all vehicles.

Trucks of different sizes, in particular, can greatly benefit from exhaust brakes because those vehicles are usually very heavy and they also transport cargo of large weights. Once the exhaust brakes are installed, they can make a vehicle safer and more secure on the road and they minimize the likelihood of putting the car in a ditch or in a tree when driving on countryside.

There are also different types of exhaust brakes to choose from and they have various properties and advantages. If you are looking for an exhaust brake on your vehicle, but you don’t know which one is more suitable then make sure that you call our company today. Our specialists can offer you professional assistance in choosing the best exhaust brakes and they can direct you to our dealers who carry Pacbrake products.

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